Cornwall Reiki

Reiki Therapist & Teacher 

Dr Rimca Karmakar

As a Reiki therapist, I can offer treatments to everyone and every thing, including plants and animals

Do you feel out of balance? Like something's not quite right?

Some call Reiki a type of therapy, and really it is much more than that.  Reiki not only restores that balance, but can even transform your life. 

In need of something simple, powerful & deep that treats the WHOLE you? 

I offer powerful 1 hour Reiki therapy sessions, and teach Reiki levels 1 & 2 so you can use it yourself, and be empowered with this skill for the rest of your life.

I went from struggling through life to truly thriving and you can too!

I am an ex-medical doctor and Reiki transformed my life. I used to be someone who really struggled through life and thanks to Reiki, I now live each day with more peace, joy and gratitude than I ever have. Prioritising my well-being allows me to be the BEST I can be for my work, loved ones, and myself.

Reiki balances the whole mind, body and spirit, going deep to the root of your matter. So, Reiki can be used for almost any condition or area you need help with; be it a medical issue, a matter of the mind, or a life situation.


During a session you simply lie or sit down, and receive Reiki through light touch over your body. You do nothing and the Reiki does all the work. One usually experiences feelings of warmth, relaxation and peace.

Reiki is a simple, natural, popular and yet incredibly powerful form of 'holistic' or 'complementary' therapy. This means it treats all of you: your mind, body and spirit. Reiki can be used alone or alongside other therapies (and medications) to enhance them. Treatments usually last an hour.

I offer 2 services:

I give treatments in person (in Newquay, Cornwall) and online (Distance Reiki). These are for you if you have any issues or ailments you wish to address. Some clients even have a regular session for their general well-being. Reiki can help with almost everything. As Reiki works on all levels, it allows you to achieve balance and harmony in all areas of your life.  

Reiki offers an effective alternative where nothing else seems to help. Reiki is offered in many NHS settings and is a fantastic complement, enhancing other therapies and treatments already being received.

Conditions Reiki can help with include:

You can receive a session online (eg. over Zoom or WhatsApp), wherever in the world you are. This is called 'Distance Reiki' (more info if you click on this page), and is just as effective as receiving a treatment in person.

How many sessions will you need? This varies depending on what the Reiki is needed for. Some have just one, some need a few and others have a monthly session to keep on top of their well-being. For more challenging issues, I recommend at least 3 individual sessions for maximum benefit.

Please click here for prices and here to book or enquire about sessions and courses.

2. Reiki Courses in Reiki levels 1&2

Would you love to have a way to help yourself and others whenever you want to? Once you learn Reiki, you are empowered with this skill for the rest of your life. Reiki is simple, gentle, powerful and you can learn it in ONE DAY!  And ANYONE can learn Reiki. Click here for more details about what you learn in a Reiki course.

Perhaps you had the feeling you were meant to do something more, but you don't know exactly what? Maybe you have a feeling you are meant to be a healer and want to awake your intuitive abilities? Or, you just feel drawn to Reiki but you don't really know why. Reiki can lead you where you need to go. 

Although the courses occur over a day, don't underestimate how powerful it is. Once you learn Reiki, you go on a huge journey of personal growth and transformation. Your intuition gets stronger; you become more deeply connected to yourself and the whole universe; you have a way to get through anything life may throw at you; and you have a tool to help you create your very best life.  

But mind you, I tell all my students they must maintain a regular practice to really get the benefits! I can give you the tools, but the practice part is down to you.

I always teach Reiki courses in person, and they can be arranged according to your schedule. I teach in Newquay, Cornwall, and can travel further afield to you as well.

Please click here for prices and here to book or enquire about sessions and courses.

Reiki is a natural, safe and simple form of holistic therapy. I used Reiki to recover from domesic abuse and support my journey as a single mother. How can Reiki transform your life?

About me

I have been a Reiki Therapist since 2007, when I was taught by Reiki Master, Savitri Sriharan through the London College of Spirituality. Over the years, I treated clients across the globe. Having embarked a life-long transformative journey, I became a Reiki Master in 2016, when I started to pass this beautiful skill on to others. 

I have experienced major challenges in my life, as most of us have. I used Reiki to recover from domestic abuse and the difficulties of becoming a single mother. I now thrive in my life as a Reiki master, actress and surfer. Read my story here.

My interest in health and well-being began when I graduated as a Medical doctor in 2006, and worked for six years in hospitals across Birmingham and New Zealand. As a professional actress, I use my skills to convey the human experience through film & TV, and foster empathic communication amongst health professionals.

My medical experience has been invaluable to understanding the manifestation of illness on the physical body, and my work as an actress has deepened my awareness on an emotional level. I've also studied shamanism, channelling, sound healing and traditional Maori medicine & massage under Kuia Olive Bullock in New Zealand. Although these all influence my healing work, I prefer to practice Reiki in it's simplest form.

I live in Newquay, Cornwall with my son and am passionate about living in harmony with all life on our planet. I am a member of the UK Reiki Federation.

You can follow me @Ecogoody on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & LinkedIn