My Reiki Story

How will I ever get through this? How will I ever heal from this? I hear you. I've suffered and often still do!  But, trust me on this: 

Once you commit to healing, however long it takes, freedom is on the other side.

Thank you Reiki for guiding me to freedom from narcissistic abuse

Many Reiki practitioners find Reiki after facing difficulty and experiencing traumatic events in their own lives. My story is no different. I have everlasting gratitude for what Reiki has brought into my life and wish to share it with others. Reiki has transformed my life and I know it can with yours too. Here's my story.

I found my younger years very challenging. I didn't have many friends growing up and gained the love of teachers and my parents through achieving highly at school. I had a genuine desire to better the lives of people, but when combined with my need to earn my parents' approval, I went into Medicine. It was in fact at Medical School when I first learnt about Reiki, through a close friend. Once I graduated, my friend's mum taught me Reiki all the way to becoming a Reiki Master.

However, soon I discovered I didn't enjoy working as a doctor and needed to find something I did love doing.  In 2008, after learning Reiki levels 1 & 2, I set off to New Zealand. I didn't know who I was or what I really wanted to do with my life. I felt very insecure but something in my heart told me to keep going. In 2012 I left a career in medicine for good, returning to London to become an actress and Reiki practitioner.

My path as an actress allowed me to develop my confidence. I started off incredibly insecure and became a sociable person with the courage to perform on screen and stage.

Life then appeared to get even better. I got married and gave birth to my beautiful son. However, I soon discovered I was in an abusive relationship. My dream came true became the worst nightmare.  I found the courage to leave, but faced immense grief from the break up and loss of a family, as well as all the uncertainty that comes with becoming a single mother.

Reiki became my support and my saviour. Before this happened, I would practice sporadically on myself. I then decided to dedicate myself to practicing every day. Each day, I asked for guidance on what steps to take to get through this tragedy, the divorce, and keep our home.  Reiki guided me to dear friends, an incredible domestic abuse support group, and ultimately to freedom.

Today, don't get me wrong, I still have areas to heal and there are days I still find very challenging. I am a single mum in the process of creating the best life for my son and I.  But, when I look back, I see how far I have come. I have more joy, peace and trust that whatever happens, I will be all right. I always have Reiki, by my side, whenever I need it, for life. How could something so simple, be so powerful?

I used Reiki to strengthen my connection to myself and the world around me. The deeper I listened to myself and my intuition, the more empowered the choices I made. I navigated my way more smoothly through whatever life threw at me. Empowering choices not only benefit me, but those around me. If we all connected to our truest selves, humanity would be transformed, and we'd live in a more compassionate, connected and harmonious world. 

Are you ready...To change your world?

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You can follow me @Ecogoody on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & LinkedIn