Online or 'Distance' Reiki

Would you like to have a therapeutic, relaxing treatment in the comfort of your own home? No need to travel anywhere, saving you time and making your life easier? Perhaps you'd like a session just before bed so you can fall asleep and stay asleep right after. If you can't leave the home for whatever reason - perhaps the kids are asleep, or you have mobility issues, an online Reiki session could be ideal.

Being just as effective as an in-person session, 'Distance Reiki' may well be the answer for you.

Distance, virtual or online Reiki therapy healing sessions can help with almost all conditions, from sleep, to pain ad long covid.

What is a Distance Reiki treatment like?

Firstly, we'd arrange a meeting online, such as through Zoom or WhatsApp, although video is not always necessary. Distance treatments can also be conducted over a phone call or sent at a certain time that is arranged between us without a call of some kind. You'd lie down or sit comfortably, and then you'd leave the rest to me and the Reiki process to do the work. Treatments usually last an hour. You could be anywhere in the world and the treatment would be just as effective as if I was right there with you. If you do fall asleep, as many do, I wouldn't have to wake you up at the end, like in an in-person session.

You'd feel exactly the same sensations as with an in-person treatment - commonly feelings of warmth, peace and relaxation. Everyone experiences the treatments differently, but Reiki is always beneficial, intelligently taking itself where it is most needed. Reiki works in a deep, powerful way, addressing the root cause of any issue. Whatever you experience will be perfect for you. Some people see colours, have sensations such as warmth or tingling, have visions or revelations, and some feel nothing but a sense of peace.

What conditions is Distance Reiki best for?

How and when can I have a session?

Please click here for prices and here to book or enquire about sessions and courses.

You can follow me @Ecogoody on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & LinkedIn